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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a fiduciary? And why should I care?

A fiduciary standard that was established as part of the Investment Advisors Act of 1940 and requires us to put our clients’ interests above our own. We act with prudence and ethical standards to ensure that our business practices do not hinder our ability to provide the highest level of service in handling your accounts. 

Why should I use a certified financial planner?

Today more than ever, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals are an essential resource. From budgeting, to planning for retirement, to saving for education, to managing your taxes and your insurance coverage, “finances” doesn’t mean just one thing for most Americans — and “financial planning” means much more than just investing. Bringing all the pieces of your financial life together is a challenging task.

Although many professionals may call themselves “financial planners,” CFP® professionals have completed extensive training and experience requirements and are held to rigorous ethical standards. They understand the complexities of the changing financial climate and know how to make recommendations in your best interest.

What are your annual fees?

One of the biggest benefits of investing with a “fee-based” advisor is that you never pay a commission. Instead, we use an asset-based fee. This approach aligns our interests with yours; we want your account to grow, just like you do.

Your assets will be billed at an annual rate as follows:

  • 1.2% for the first $100,000
  • 1.0% for the next $400,000
  • 0.8% for the next $500,000
  • 0.7% for all assets over $1,000,000.

Fees for our management services are billed quarterly, in advance.

Do you sell insurance, annuities, mortgages, etc.?

No. However, we do provide guidance or oversight of these aspects of your financial life. By acting as a fiduciary, we always put your needs ahead of our own, and take no commission, and sell no products.

I don’t live near your office. How do I work with you?

We have clients all over the U.S. While many come into our office, our technology makes it easy to serve clients wherever they are. Our secure client portal allows you to access information securely from anywhere in the world and we can conduct video meetings and reviews via Skype or Zoom if desired. In some cases, we travel to meet with clients.

Active Management vs. Passive Management?

We use both active and passive funds in our portfolios, but we tend to favor active-management funds. Fidelity’s active funds have relatively modest fees and many have excellent track records compared to their benchmarks over long periods of time. Plus, as advancing technology becomes an increasingly disruptive force in the global economy, we could see a shift where fewer stocks outperform and the vast majority become laggards. That has the potential to put passive strategies at a significant disadvantage regardless of fee savings.

Why focus on Fidelity funds?

Unlike some investment advisors who monitor thousands of mutual funds, we focus all our attention on one fund family. Fidelity Investments stands out from other fund firms with the most extensive selection of mutual funds covering nearly all areas of the investment landscape. Its industry-leading research and portfolio management groups are composed of top-tier experts, unmatched in the field. As a result, we primarily invest in Fidelity's actively managed mutual funds, leveraging the strengths of its portfolio managers. 

Fidelity is committed to protecting your personal information and financial transactions by utilizing the most advanced technology available to safeguard your data. Ensuring the security of your accounts is paramount to everything we do, giving you peace of mind.

It's worth noting that we work for you, not Fidelity. We are entirely independent and receive no remuneration from Fidelity. This independence enables us to focus solely on your needs and interest, ensuring that your investments are in your best interest.

Do you have a required minimum asset level to become a client?

We generally require a minimum of $250,000 to start an account.

Will you have access to my assets? How are they protected?

Your account at Fidelity is in your name and always under your control. We never have access to your money – we are merely authorized to trade for you in your account. 

You will have 24/7 access to your account via fidelity.com and the Weber Asset Management client portal. In addition, Fidelity sends trade confirmations to you immediately after any transaction, plus monthly statements. 

Your account, which is maintained by Fidelity, is protected by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC).

How can I get hold of my money if I need it?

Just contact us – the account is your money in your name. Upon instructions from you, we can arrange for Fidelity to have your money sent to you by check, wired or electronic funds transfer to your bank, or transferred to another of your accounts.

What if I decide to cancel my relationship with you?

No problem. Contact us and we will stop managing your account immediately. There are no cancellation penalties, and any fees you’ve paid to us in advance will be refunded on a pro-rated basis or you’ll receive a pro-rated invoice.

How do I get started?

If you’re considering objective financial advice with a trusted partner, we invite you to schedule a complimentary financial consultation with Weber Asset Management.

Simply submit the form or schedule a call.

Who will handle my account?

You will work with a Portfolio Manager who will understand every aspect of your relationship with us. In addition, you will always have access to the president and our certified financial planner.